Whether you have lots of experience presenting or just starting, the tips below should help you to improve.

Smile & make eye contact

Sounds easier than it is, but if you smile and make eye contact, you'll build a relationship with your audience, which helps them to connect with you. Making eye contact could also make you feel less nervous, as you're talking to individuals instead of a group of unknown people.

An illustration of a smiley face.

Come prepared

Do your homework; make sure you really understand what you're telling. Understanding your subject will help you to define how you want to tell a story and will also prepare you for possible questions, as almost every presentation ends with questions from the audience. It's also good to do several rehearsals beforehand.

An illustration of a pen and paper.

Keep it short

People appreciate short meetings. Go for 20 minutes, that's usually the sweet spot. Avoid using massive chunks of text on your slides; I would recommend the rule of 10–20–30, first suggested by Guy Kawasaki from Apple: no more than 10 slides, no more than 20 minutes, and font size of no less than 30 point.

An illustration of a speech bubble.

Know your audience

Shape your presentation for the audience, and for that, you have to know a bit about them. The presentation you give to designers is going to be different from the presentation you give to a CEO, even if you are talking about the same project. For instance, even though I won't recommend it, you can use jargon and acronyms towards colleagues, just make sure you avoid them when presenting to clients.

An illustration of a magnifying glass on top of a person.

Use your body

Your body language is essential to getting the right message across. Think about it, consciously. Consider using hand gestures; this will make you come over open and confident. Smile constantly; positivity is a powerful tool to make the audience embrace your story. Avoid things like crossed arms and hands held behind your back or in your pockets.

An illustration of a thumbs up.

More tips 🎁

  • Show your Passion. Be passionate and honest, and the audience will respond.
  • Don't use disqualifying statements. Use "it will" instead of "it may".
  • Ask questions. A great way to engage with the audience.
  • Don't read from a script. Rehearse a lot and make it sound natural.